
Školenie pre ESC dobrovoľníkov XVIII.

ESC Workshop: Critical thinking and argumentation

The ability to solve problems is actually the ability to make decisions. The basis of problem-solving ability is the identification of the problem, its division into smaller parts, based on which you can create a strategy on how to solve your problem.

The ability to identify and analyze problems, design solutions, reflexively evaluate them and learn from them, be able to work even in demanding and stressful conditions, all this includes one of the competencies of global education, creative and critical problem solving.

Global education seeks to approach the issue of complex relationships of interconnectedness of societies, countries, cultures, history, economies in today's globalized world. It not only includes information and knowledge on topics, but it is also an opportunity to acquire key skills and competencies. These include media literacy, the ability to think critically, to express one's opinion or argue, and the skills needed for teamwork.

Thanks to it, you can prepare for current challenges by perceiving local issues in a global context, forming your own opinion and actively acting on it. 

When: 18. November, 14.00 – 16.00
Where: online
Registration: Due to limited capacity, we would like to ask you to confirm your participation via the registration form here.

Please, contact us if you have some questions: Stanislava Mináriková,

We are looking forward to see you!
BDC Team!


V roku 2020 organizujeme školenia pre dobrovoľníkov vďaka finančnej podpore: Projekt Európske zbory solidarity, ktorý je financovný z finančných prostriedkov Európskej Únie v rámci programu Erazmus +, MŠVVaŠ v SR a IUVENTA- Slovenský inštitút mládeže.

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