
Školenie pre ESC dobrovoľníkov XVII.

ESC Workshop Storytelling

Storytelling is a basic form of communication. Since we can express ourselves, we share memories, moments, situations, or points of view. And, for that, we tell stories.

In our daily lives, we are surrounded by stories, by diverse forms, informative and/or artistic: news, movies, shows, books, music, photos, paintings.

However, we can use storytelling to write important documents, like a CV or a motivational letter, to talk with people, like interviews or pitches, or during our social manifestations.

We invite you to the workshop of our ESC volunteer Catia, who has extensive experience in working i the field of social and cultural activity of sharing stories.

The workshop will be a creative and free space, allowing the participants to be active and participate, and improving their storytelling skills. The following points will be addressed:

  • What is storytelling? The different tips of storytelling
  • Why storytelling is important?
  • The basic knowledge about storytelling
  • 4P's (People, Place, Plot, and Purpose) vs 7 elements (character, plot, place, actions and details - conflict, point-of-view, style and stamp, theme)
  • Effective storytelling
  • Rules and techniques of storytelling
  • Recognize Storytelling – examples using films, photos, paintings, music
  • How is storytelling used in our daily lives?
  • Tips to become improve the storytelling – How to make stories compelling
  • Practical Exercises 

Catia uses her personal experience as well as the information she studied, so she will share the tips and tricks she encountered working with in the field.

When: 21. October, 15:00- 17:00
Where: Place will be specified after registration (the training can only be completed in person, there is no possibility to participate online)
Registration: Due to limited capacity, we would like to ask you to confirm your participation via the registration form here.

Please, contact us if you have some questions: Stanislava Mináriková,

We are looking forward to see you!
BDC Team!


V roku 2020 organizujeme školenia pre dobrovoľníkov vďaka finančnej podpore: Projekt Európske zbory solidarity, ktorý je financovný z finančných prostriedkov Európskej Únie v rámci programu Erazmus +, MŠVVaŠ v SR a IUVENTA- Slovenský inštitút mládeže. 

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