
Školenie pre ESC dobrovoľníkov XVI.

ESC Workshop Effective communication with children

Communication forms the basis of all relationships. In the case of children, these are often specific ways of shaping them. We invite you to the workshop of our ESC volunteer Tuuliki, who has extensive experience in working with children. During the workshop she will share tips and facts how to find effective ways to make children to listen and follow you.

The goal of the workshop is to explain children's behaviour in social situations and how us as adults can improve their skills of communication and support them on their development. Tuuliki use both her personal experience and the information she have studied so she will share tips she has encountered while working with children.

When: 19. August, 15.00 – 17.00
Where: Place will be specified after registration (the training can only be completed in person, there is no possibility to participate online)
Registration: Due to limited capacity, we would like to ask you to confirm your participation via the registration form here.

Please, contact us if you have some questions: Stanislava Mináriková,


V roku 2020 organizujeme školenia pre dobrovoľníkov vďaka finančnej podpore: Projekt Európske zbory solidarity, ktorý je financovný z finančných prostriedkov Európskej Únie v rámci programu Erazmus +, MŠVVaŠ v SR a IUVENTA- Slovenský inštitút mládeže. 

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