Denník dobrovoľníka

Dobrovoľníctvo a koronakríza
  • 20. Júl 2020

Dobrovoľníctvo a koronakríza

Predtým, než vypukla táto kríza, nikto by nečakal, že celý svet zasiahne vírus, ktorý výrazne zmení chod sveta na aký sme boli doteraz zvyknutí a netrúfam si ani odhadovať aké následky to bude mať o rok, o 2 alebo o 10 rokov.
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Rainbow cake
  • 19. Júl 2020

Rainbow cake

Life after lockdown was anything than “back to normal.” It was the beginning of something I honestly never expected.
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Volunteering and Quarantine
  • 14. Apríl 2020

Volunteering and Quarantine

When you decide to join a Project like the one i am as a volunteer, you prepare for many challenges.
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A sudden adaptation
  • 14. Apríl 2020

A sudden adaptation

For many, 2020 was the time, it was the moment they were waiting for, and when they felt that something was going to change. But nobody imagined this apex.
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One thing at a time
  • 14. Apríl 2020

One thing at a time

If someone would have told me two months ago that the entire Earth will face the difficulties as it does now, I would have laughed and said that “I wish!” Not in a mean way but I have always wanted people to calm down a little bit.
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I tried something new
  • 28. Február 2020

I tried something new

Like a character from a movie, I did something different and tried something new. Unlike my friends, I just caught a flight and came to Bratislava.
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My ESC experience
  • 04. Február 2020

My ESC experience

My ESC started almost one year ago. Before that, I was just travelling through Europe living different experiences without any obligation at all.
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Slovakia and me
  • 29. Január 2020

Slovakia and me

My journey started a few months ago, in october, but if I am honest this whole adventure began a few months before that, when i knew it that i needed to do a volunteer, why?
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Your wings already exist. All you have to do is fly.
  • 20. Január 2020

Your wings already exist. All you have to do is fly.

I just quoted the motto my class (2018) graduated with.
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Mid-term, mountains and amazing time
  • 15. Júl 2019

Mid-term, mountains and amazing time

Today I’m sharing with you my mid-term training experience. This time the destination was… suspense… in Poprad! Youhoou!
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