
Školenie pre ESC dobrovoľníkov XI.

ESC Workshop Assertive communication and active listening

Good communication is the basis of success. It is part of our everyday private and professional lives. Just as proper communication can deepen and strengthen our relationships, on the other hand, an incorrectly communicated problem can easily destroy relationships many times. Nowadays, online communication and social networks come with the loss of personal contact and modern communication problems. Most of them are based on focusing on the short-term goal of being right instead of long-term ones such as mutual understanding and acceptance. To streamline communication, improve people-to-people relationships and increase overall satisfaction, we offer you a seminar led by an expert with several years of experience in personal growth and communication skills development.

When: 15. april, 15.00 – 17.00
Where: online workshop (we will let you know after registration)

Registration: Due to limited capacity, we would like to ask you to confirm your participation via the registration form here.

Contact: (Stanislava)


V roku 2020 organizujeme školenia pre dobrovoľníkov vďaka finančnej podpore: Projekt Európske zbory solidarity, ktorý je financovný z finančných prostriedkov Európskej Únie v rámci programu Erazmus +, MŠVVaŠ v SR a IUVENTA- Slovenský inštitút mládeže.

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