Workshop for ESC volunteers VIII.

You have definitely heard someone judging you for taking a plastic bag in the shop, eating sausage instead of the vegetarian option of just not caring enough about environmental issues. But have you met anyone paying attention to your try to recycle, use second-hand clothes instead of buying new ones or walking some kilometers to work for refusing to drive short distance? According to my ideology, it all starts with encouraging and leading by example, not with judging.

In this workshop, we will compare the expectations and reality of an environmentally friendly lifestyle and discuss actual topics as zero waste, minimalism, and recycling. You will get familiar with the method of the three R's and have a chance to share with others your ingenious tips for decreasing an ecological footprint.

Date and time: 26. June 2019
Place: Dom Quo Vadis, Hurbanovo námestie, Bratislava
Registration formular: click here to register

If you have any questions or you experience any problem with the registration form, please do not hesitate to contact us at eds(at)

Trainer: Eeva - ESC volunteer (BDC/Dom Quo Vadis)
Photo: Eeva Kurikkala

Workshop je realizovaný ako súčasť dobrovoľníckeho programu Európske zbory solidarity (ESC). Dobrovoľnícky program Európske zbory solidarity je financovný z finančných prostriedkov Európskej Únie v rámci programu Erazmus +

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