The Weird World Quiz

The world can be a surprising place full of things you will have a hard time believing they are all existing. This is one of the reasons why we are inviting you to the quiz of Weird World Facts. It will be unusual, unexpected and unprecedented questioning. The quiz is so hard that even researches will not be able to find the answer. Luckily, if you are crazy enough, you will succeed.

Prepare to see the world through a prism with incredible truths. Why not be sophisticated intellectual in the company of friends while sharing these unimaginable facts? Whatever you think now, take it easy, chill out and be ready to explore every corner of the multicolored world.

Place: Dom Quo Vadis
Date: 14th of December
Time: 19:00

A team of 3 or 4 people (if you do not have a team, we will arrange it on the spot, so no worries!). More info here!

Workshop je realizovaný ako súčasť dobrovoľníckeho programu Európske zbory solidarity (ESC). Dobrovoľnícky program Európske zbory solidarity je financovný z finančných prostriedkov Európskej Únie v rámci programu Erazmus +

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